Crafting Cookbook

If you happen to find better ways to craft these items please do tell us in the discord!

+2 Amulet

WARNING - You may take 10K alts and still not get +1

Buy 2-3 bases. Pick any decent implicit


Phase 1 - Alt Spam

Scour all 3 bases, alterations spam
After 2k-3k alterations you should get +1 to all Skill Gems

Use string to filter in stash "all skill gems"

Phase 2 - Regal and Prep

Close Eyes [Chris Wilson Vision] Regal. Pray Suffix!
If you get a suffix
Craft Prefix Cannot Be Changed
Scour the amulet

If you regal a prefix, then use an Annul orb
If this step removes +1, restart

Phase 3 - Brenchcraft and Harvest

Craft Can Have 3 Crafted Modifiers
Craft Prefix Cannot Be Changed again
Craft Adds (6-8) to (14-18) Cold Damage to Attacks

Buy Yellow Harvest 15000, and 1 Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce

Harvest craft Add a cold modifier, remove a random modifer

This will guarantee +1 to all cold skill gems

Phase 4 - Finish

Option 1

You can stop here.
Bench Craft Projectile Damage from Bench in the Open Prefix
Exalt Slam Once For a random suffix

Option 2

Can have 3 mods
Benchcraft Proj Damage in Prefix.
Benchcraft Cold Damage / Critical Strike Chance in Suffix.

Instead of projectile damage, you can craft Mana Recoup in the prefix.
This means you don't need to have Mana Recoup on the ring.

Phase 5 - Currency Burn Endgame

Prefix cannot be changed
Go to Aisling and get prefix
Unveil for Projectile Damage

You can also take Life/Mana recoup.

If Aisling gives a suffix

Prefix cannot be changed, Scour or Annul orb(gamble)
Repeat Phase 5 again.

Currency Burn Part 2

Now that prefixes are completed
Craft Prefix Cannot Be Changed
Harvest craft Add Critical Remove Another
Repeat this till you get T1 Critical Strike Chance

Finish with Cold Damage in the suffix or Resistance of your choice.



Buy a base with 85-100% base percentile defense
Perfect fossil to get 29-30% quality

Phase 1 - Prefix

  • Use Dense fossils until you have more than 400 ward, some times more than 430 ward.
    Check if you have have a high movement speed mod, if yes, then your phase 1 is complete
  • If you don't have movement speed annul a prefix and then make sure ward is more than 370
  • Repeat above steps still until you get an open prefix or 30% movement speed prefix with more than 370 ward
  • Craft Movement speed from the bench. For Endgame, do Aisling then phase 2.

Phase 2 - Suffix

  • Now apply a lesser eldritch ember and a gre ater eldritch ichor
  • Now slam with eldritch exalts. If you get low tier mods, eldritch annul them

If all three suffixes are horrible, then use Eldritch chaos

Repeat the process until you get good resistance rolls in the suffix

Endgame - Aisling Movement Speed

  1. Make sure you have an open prefix.
  2. Craft Prefix cannot be changed in the suffix.
  3. Now use a Veiled Orb to try to get a prefix
  4. Unveil the prefix for Movement Speed

If you don't get a Prefix from Aisling, you need to annul your Aisling suffix
To remove Aisling suffix, you can use eldritch annul or eldritch chaos orb.

Craft Prefix cannot to be changed and repeat till you get Aisling Prefix.

Once you have Movement Speed in the prefix from Aisling, you can continue crafting your suffix, Phase 2


Early Game

Budget - 350 ward, no movement speed, no suffix
Endgame - 400 ward, movement speed & full suffix for resistance

Budget - 100c

Midgame - 5 divines

Finishing Implicit , 7-10% Cooldown Recovery Rate

Buy 5-10 Exceptional Eldritch Embers
Buy 10 of Orb Of Conflicts

Spam Greater Eldritch Ichor to get 6% CDR

Now apply just one Exceptional Ember
Orb of conflict, the 6% should go to 7%. If it does not, then use Orb Of Conflict till it becomes 7%
Now its 7%, apply Exceptional Ember again & Orb Of Conflict till 8%
Repeat till 9 or 10%

Runic Sabatons Base URL

16+ CDR Belt


Buy 20 Stygian Vise, Level 84+ bases from Trade or TFT

Phase 1

  1. Spam Alterations on all 20 belts till you get "Reduced flask charges used"
  2. Now Augment and regal
  3. If you you regal a suffix, scour and restart
    • Or you can use beast Farric Wolf Alpha to remove the suffix, add a prefix
  4. If you regal a prefix continue to next step
  5. Bench craft a prefix on belt now, anything such as life or mana
  6. Now Slam Crusader Orb and pray
    • If it fails, sell the belt base, repeat above steps

Phase 2

Option 1 - Safe easy option

Now you have 16+ CDR in suffix

  1. Craft Can Have 3 Crafted Modifiers.
  2. Craft Suffixes Cannot Be Changed (Buy the beast Wild Bristle Matron and kill it. This is cheaper than benchcraft).
  3. Now Scour the belt.
  4. Craft Suffixes Cannot Be Changed again.
  5. Use a veiled orb so that the only prefix mod Suffixes Cannot Be Changed get replaced with the veiled mod. Do not Unveil yet!
  6. Bench Craft Mana.
  7. Bench Craft Armor + ES hybrid mod or simply es/evasion any defense modifier.
  8. Unveil and you will get life modifier. Apply fertile catalyst!
  9. Remove Crafted Modifiers using Bench.
  10. Finally Bench craft 15% flask duration.

See the image


Option 2 - Gamble, but you can get T1 life.

  1. Craft Can Have 3 Crafted Modifiers
  2. Craft Suffixes Cannot Be Changed
  3. Harvest Reforge Life. Beaware it may fill all 3 prefixes.
  4. Repeat Suffixes Cannot Be Changed & Reforge life until you are happy with life mod


In Phase 1 if you happen to regal T1/T2 flask effect duration then craft Suffixes Cannot Be changed and Aisling and Pray for 16 CDR.

Crafting Cost - 6 divines lucky, 25 divines very unlucky

CDR Boots

Before starting: use Wild Bristling Matrons or the benchcraft for "suffixes cannot be changed" whichever is cheaper.

Start with base boots with crusader influence or use a Crusader's exalted orb
Harvest reforge lightning for avoid shock
Reforge lightning again if more than 1 crusader mod

Buy Shaper boots with Elevated Shaping (suffix) CDR mod - make sure it's the only shaper mod

Use an Awakener's orb on the shaper boots onto the other boots - they will be guaranteed to have both the shaper CDR + Crusader avoid shock
Hope you get a good suffix like a resist
Pray to fucking god you get an open prefix IF the ward roll is ass and you have no movement speed. If not, Annul and pray you don't lose the CDR or Shock Avoid.

Shitty and possibly expensive part:
Suffixes cannot be changed
Harvest Reforge Defenses - pray for ward with open prefix
Craft movement speed or MS & Onslaught

Crown and Gauntlets

Phase 1

Perfect fossil to get 27-30% quality

Spam dense fossils till you get more than 650 ward, ideally 700+ ward for helm, Gloves 450+
Then Apply One Greater Eldritch Ichor

Phase 2

Now use Eldritch Chaos Orb till you get one or two good suffix

Eldritch Annul the bad suffix or Eldritch Chaos Orb if all suffixes are bad
Bench craft accuracy or stat (intelligence for helmet, dexterity for gloves, better weighting in blocking more mods) using the bench
Slam Eldritch Exalted Orb

If you don't get anything good
Remove Benchcraft
Try to annul the bad suffix

Craft Accuracy or stat (intelligence for helmet, dexterity for gloves) again using the bench
Slam eldritch exalt

Repeat above process till you get good suffixes
You can also use Eldritch Chaos Orb when both suffixes are bad

In the final open suffix, you can bench craft resistances or attributes
On gloves you can craft Reduced Effect of Shock or Elemental Damage or resistance/attributes

Target Runic Crown

Budget - 550 ward, only benchcraft suffix
Endgame - 680 ward, eldritch craft 2 suffix, benchcraft final suffix

Budget - 100c
Endgame - 5 divines

Target Runic Gauntlets

Budget - 350 ward, only benchcraft suffix
Endgame - 450 ward, eldritch craft 2 suffix, benchcraft final suffix

Budget - 100c
Endgame - 5 divines

Runic Crown Base URL

Runic Gauntlets Base URL

Endgame CDR Belt

Look at 16+ CDR Belt for crafting without fracture base. This is not the only method. The above is cheaper.

Phase 1 - The Fracture

Base - Stygian Vise 84+

Option 1

Buy a fractured "20% reduced flask charges used" base,

Option 2

Buy a Stygian Vise, alterations till you get "20% reduced flask charges used", augment, regal, exalt slam
The belt will now have exactly 4 modifiers.

Option 3

Buy a Stygian with "20% reduced flask charges used"
If it has 6 or 5 modifiers, annul them. So that it has 4 modifiers only.

Time to fracture

Ensure it has only 4 modifiers, now fracturing orb and pray

Phase 2 - Crafting Flask Duration & CDR

  1. Spam Chaos Orbs till you get 28+ flask duration in suffix,
  2. Use a Veiled Orb and pray for suffix and while keeping the flask duration suffix
  3. Unveil and pray for CDR
  4. Repeat till you get it

Crafting Life Mod

  1. Craft Suffix Cannot Be Changed. (Buy the beast Wild Bristle Matron and kill it. This is cheaper than benchcraft)
  2. Harvest Reforge Life
  3. Repeat till you are happy with life mod

Cost - 30 Divines Very Lucky, 70 Divines Very Unlucky

This is the end game belt you want for Non-Omni Builds

Omni Rare Ring

Buy unset ring base Trade

Phase 1 - Suffix

Essence spam till you have triple attributes
Tier 2 or higher attribute rolls

Phase 2 - Prefix

Craft suffix cannot be changed
Veiled Orb

Phase 3 - Block

Now use the bench to block one the following fire/cold or fire/lightning or cold/lightning damage, continue now

Phase 4 - Unveil

Unveil now Pick Maximum Life Or Mana Recoup

If you picked life, bench craft mana recoup
If you picked mana recoup, bench craft maximum life

If you don't get mana recoup or life, repeat phase 2

Redeemer Belt

Before starting: use Wild Bristling Matrons or the benchcraft for "suffixes cannot be changed" whichever is cheaper.

Start with ilvl 84 Stygian Vise belt.
Scour it and use catalysts for life.

Spam alteration orbs until you get either "increased flask charges used" or "increased flask effect duration".
Once you have one of those affixes, use a regal orb to have both of them (need stat on that).

Clean prefixes by crafting "suffixes cannot be changed" and use an orb of scouring.
Craft "suffixed cannot be changed".
Use a Veiled Orb and pray for a suffix (1/3 chance). If it is not a suffix, clean the prefixes again.
Unveil to have "increased Cooldown Recovery Rate" (1/2 chance).
If it fails, scour the belt and craft again (or try to sell it).

Once you have your three suffixes :
Craft "suffixes cannot be changed", then harvest "add/remove life" until you are happy with the life tier.
Then craft "increased Damage".
Finally, slam an Redeemer's exalted orb : you have 2/3 to hit a good prefix, either "increased Cold Damage" or "increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies"

Resistance Rare Ring

Buy or fracture an unset ring base Trade

Phase 1 - Suffix

Spam Prismatic Fossils until you get Tier 2 or higher resistance rolls

Phase 2 - Prefix

Craft suffix cannot be changed
Veiled Orb

Phase 3 - Block

Now use the bench to block one the following fire/cold or fire/lightning or cold/lightning damage, continue now

Phase 4 - Unveil

Unveil now Pick Maximum Life Or Mana Recoup

If you picked life, bench craft mana recoup
If you picked mana recoup, bench craft maximum life

If you don't get mana recoup or life, repeat phase 2

Phase 5 - Catalysts

Use Prismatic Catalysts to apply 20% quality and raise the resistances even higher.
Or use Fertile Catalysts if you need the life/mana mods to be higher.

Higher Life Base

You could do the same with a T1 life fractured mod and spam fossils until you hit your desired mods. Costs a lot more tho.

Triple Crit Cobalt Jewel

Total Cost: 4-7 Divines, depending on the Fractured Jewel you use

Before Crafting - buying the Base & Materials
Step 0a: Buy a cobalt jewel from one of the links below. Don't use viridian/crimson.

Global multi (9-12%) (cheapest, worst)
Crit Multiplier for Spell Damage (12-15%)
Elemental Damage Crit Multi (12-15%)
Cold Damage Crit Multi (15-18%) (best, most expensive, buy max roll if you buy this one)

Step 0b: Depending on the jewel you picked above, you will need different fossils and resonators.

For global, spell & ele multi: Potent Chaotic Resonators + Frigid & Deft fossils
For cold multi: Primitive Chaotic Resonators with Deft fossil

Crafting the Jewel

Step 1:

If magic, regal the jewel. If rare, carry on to step 2.

Step 2:

Socket your resonators and use them on the jewel until you hit 3x crit multi. If you hit 3x multi, go to step 7.
If you hit 2x multi, read step 3, 4 or 5.

Step 3:

If you hit 2x Crit Multi Suffix with an open Prefix, exalt, step 6.

Step 4:

If you hit Crit Multi Prefix & Crit Multi Suffix with an open Suffix, exalt, step 6.

Step 5:

If you miss 3rd crit multi on the exalt, return to step 2.

Step 6:

When finished, consider using an Exalted Orb if possible. Be aware you can hit 4-6% Life Prefix or 7-13% Chaos Resistance Suffix. These mods are only risky for loopers, you can still sell a jewel that lands either of those mods for a lot more than you spent making it.


If you didn't buy a fractured Cold Multi jewel, keep an eye out for Triple Lightning Multi (or triple fire if you aren't using frigid fossils) and sell them. You'll make some money back.